Franz Hoke - manager of EDITION HOKE

In its printmaking studio, EDITION HOKE offers practical solutions and technical implementation for the realization of artistic ideas, from the approach to the working process to the final original print.
Specialized in collaborating with artists, creating printing plates, the studio offers not only technical support and advice, but also the opportunity to experiment with printmaking on a high-quality basis.
The spectrum includes, in particular, intaglio prints of all kinds as well as lithogra- phic techniques and reliefs, combining classical processes with current technical enhancements. From the idea to the design and processing of the printing plates to the finished hand-made print, all steps are accompanied and implemented with technical precision, so that the artists are free to concentrate on and realize their intentions.
In addition, a variety of tools and high-quality materials for printing plates, papers and inks are available ....

Heart of the workshop - the customized Barth-Press;
Printing table 100cm x 200cm; most precise technology, finest adjustment, highest quality for large format printing .....

Selected, finest tools and plate materials for artists:
copper, aluminum, steel, inox, acrylglass, mylar, cardboards, foils, ... in stock and available

Etching, for high-precision etching of various materials such as copper, aluminum, steel, linoleum, ... up to plates of 100 x 200 cm, as well as electroplating for hardening of printing plates (steelfacing) and electrochemical etching processes.

High-quality printing inks, oils, binders and auxiliaries from various manufacturers worldwide; highly pigmented and lightfast for best printing results.

finest gray and color gradations with aquatints, screenings, color applications, ...

individual modification of printing inks, drawing materials and printing applications according to customer-specific requirements

most diverse pigments in stock e.g. from Kremer pigments; for custom mixing of special colors for prints with unique qualities; from classic pigments to extraordinary artist pigments, most diverse black tones, earth pigments, up to special colors, luminous colors, special effect colors, ...

front room with printing press

studio and atelier room for artists to create their works

atelier room for artists
Located in the heart of Munich, the 60-square-meter studio offers space for concentrated artistic work and a pleasant atmosphere for the professional implementation of printmaking ideas.
From the collaboration of artists and the master printer‘s knowledge and experience, the unique original prints are created. See for yourself and contact me by phone +49163 7314766 or e-mail info@edition-hoke.com